Mummy little girl Rosalia

Mummy little girl Rosalia Lombardo Stay Fresh & Beautiful 88 Years After Death
In the Capuchin Catacomb, an ancient eaters in Palermo, Italy, there are mummies little girl. Written his name: Rosalia Lombardo, died 2 Years, 88 years ago. Amazingly, his body still intact. Completely intact, the body decorated with fresh blond hair, boys are also seen nan pure beauty. He was like a 'sleeping beauty' of the famous princess in the story HC Andersen's fairy tales. Rosalia Lombardo was a little girl from Silisilia. Unfortunately, unknown origin is clear, parents names and stories of death. However, the version developed in the community, he is a baby who had been born frail and berpenyakitan. Until age 2 years did not escape the pain. No wonder his body finally could not resist the onslaught of lung infections, which in that era frightening specter for infants, and young son across the country.

Though ailing, the little girl was not a fussy child ternasuk. He is a quiet nan baby, do not cry a lot, even tend to not bother. But because his body could not contain the infection continues menggerotinya, rosalia one last breath in 1920. because of deep grief her parents finally decided to preserve the little girl's body. From the developing story seems Rosalia not come from families most. His parents are probably enough, remember the people who were buried in the monks than Caphuchin / nuns is that high social status, not to mention the cost of expensive preservation process.

The little girl's body to attract many people, because of perfect preservation techniques. Although tens of years passed, his body was not changed a bit. He was like a war going on. Why Rosalia Lombardo's body was preserved, whereas others have a lot of damage? According to information, an embalmer preserved body (the term for preservatives) named Alfredo Safalia. He prosfesor in the field of chemicals that find new ways to preserve the remains with a special formula creation.

Professor safalia preservation methods introduced to the American body. First time using the fomula ciptaanya body. Preservation Safalia start by injecting embalming fluid 15 Galon creations. In the corpse's body was red bruises blue. Once finished the process of its preparation, the bodies are stored in places that are naturally cool. Six months later when the casket was opened, the bruises on the face and neck were missing body without a trace. His body even looks fresh.

Initially, researchers thought potions safalia arsenic using basic materials. At that arsenic was a popular and frequently used the professor as a preservative ingredient perfecting the body. Estimates were also arise because the experts and researchers refer to Dr. Tranchini preservatives fomula that none other than teachers safalia. Tranhini formula is plentiful with a mix of arsenic and wine. That's why many believe that safalia concoction is a variation of the formula the teacher.

Finally, a biological anthropologist from the Institute for mummies and the Iceman named Dario Piomboni Mascali successful menguungkap secret ingredients used to preserve the body of the little girl Rosalia Lombardo. Mascali browse through relatives and the people closest safalia. Referring to the records center safalia, revealed that the makers taksidermis or preservation experts were injected formalin, salt, zinc, alcohol, salicylic acid and glycerol into the body of Rosalia.

Formalin was umun materials used to preserve dead bodies. Formaldehyde and water mixture is proven to destroy bacteria that cause decomposition of meat. And one safalia utilization also pioneers the use of formaldehyde used to preserve dead bodies. Unfortunately in Indonesia, formaldehyde is also used to preserve food such as tofu, noodles soaked, salted fish, and many others.

Another element used is alcohol safalia. In humid areas, alcohol serves to make it dry so that the body is more resistant to the effects of temperature changes. Meanwhile penyimbang glycerol as alcohol effect. Glycerol serves as the oil gives moisture to prevent the body kondis too dry. Another element is the salicylic acid as the growth of mold prevention. Nevertheless, argues that mascali of several elements used safalia, key wiring Rosalia's body is the zinc salt.

Melissa Jhonsons Williamss, Executive Director of the American Society of Embalmers, strengthen Mascali opinion. Williams reveals the effect of zinc on preserving the body. According to zinc is not used in the embalming process in the United States because the zinc makes the body stiff as a statue. Bodies that have been given the zinc salt can be removed and allowed to stand without fear of terkulia weak so that the body looks like a mannequin.

Mascalli calls for Safali sebgai artist has created a potion outstanding work Beautiful. He argues, safalia has raised the art of embalming or the making of the mummy of the highest level. This is evidenced through the work of the mummy of the little girl Rosalia Lombardo The Sleeping Beauty. But as people will who believe we must also believe that it is a sign of the greatness of God.

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Thats greatest of all mummys

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