Masabumi Hosono
Maybe you still remember one scene in Titanic when the last boat will be deployed and a man nyelonong into the lifeboat, while the preferred when it is women and children were first allowed into the lifeboats itu.Nah, the following story is the scene after he had entered into bule lifeboats which is one of the heroic story of a Titanic passenger who managed to record and he notes he kept, he wrote a letter in English to his wife on the Titanic's note, but after he saved it and then write it in Japanese. Before the end note is published by his daughter.
1910, the Japanese Transport Ministry official sent a messenger named Masabumi Hosono, 42 years to Russia to learn from these countries about railways. Hosono his task was completed in early 1912, then he came home and stopped in London, as he drove home with across the Atlantic with the Titanic. Needless to say, that the journey was not as planned.
On April 14, at 11:40, just four days after sailing, the Titanic hit the iceberg.
when he was soundly asleep, 25 or 30 minutes after the collision there was a knock, then went out Hosono second-class cabin. He then worked out to reach the top deck, but as a foreigner, he was ordered to use the lower deck, far from the rescue boat. 'while the fire was ditembakan SOS to the air continuously, and with a glowing blue and sounds pretty scary. Somehow I can not remove the sense of fear and sadness, 'Hosono writes in his letter.
How he managed to reach the deck above?. 'I tried to prepare myself for the last moment without any preparation, making my mind did not leave something despicable like Japan. But I still could find and waited for an opportunity for every possibility in order to survive '.
'After the ship sank, then reappear, with people falling into the water before finally sinking. Our boat is also on the content with sobbing wives, children, women whose husbands are not carried in the lifeboats, worried about the safety of their husbands and fathers. And I was really depressed and miserable because of it, not knowing what would happen to me in the long term after this.
Hosono rescued by lifeboat 13 but has been criticized in his own country to do things that no knight is when many people died. Japan's prime minister was later fired when he was in his administration and then a few weeks later called him back, but its image is still tarnished and Japanese daily newspaper called him a coward person, the book cites the example of his life as an embarrassing behavior and a professor of ethics do not call people immoral. Even the Japanese public was advised to Hara-Kiri, to save face.
Hosono never commit suicide, but he hoped to repeat it and died with the Titanic. He never talked about his experience again, and forbade any mention of the Titanic in her home. After he died in 1939, as a man who destroyed and forgotten a lot of people. The letter was later held by his wife, what is written is believed to be the only life story written by his own Titanic passengers, mail is then stored in a drawer until 1997, when the blockbuster movie Titanic Premier in Tokyo, Japan Society was keen to watch the movie Titanic because there was only one Japanese person who participated in the Travel Titanic, Masabumi Hosono, but this time with more sympathy.
more than 2,200 passengers and crew of the Titanic, only lasted more than 700, including 316 of 425 women and 56 of the 109 children. Even if every woman and children have been input in the lifeboats, there will still be enough room for the nearly 700 men from 1690, but only 338 people survived, not all men do it because they have rejected the chance to climb into a lifeboat, Many who think this is the cause of many victims in the titanic.